Weekend Bike Touring Photos

On Easter weekend, we biked over 250km between the Dutch cities of Eindhoven and Maastricht.

The trip was organised by the Wereldfietser cycle touring club – a wonderful group to join if you’re ever riding your bike around the Netherlands.

Our weekend started with a trip on the train to the starting point. Taking the train in Holland is pretty easy, if a bit expensive – €6 per bike, per day (see a video about putting bikes on trains in Holland). You’re also not supposed to get on a train before 9am on weekdays but we decided to flaunt the rules a bit and get a train at 8:56am. Happily, no conductor was waiting in the entry way to tell us we couldn’t get on and 4 minutes later we were in the clear.


Before we got on the train though, we spent quite a few minutes taking creative pictures of our bikes and the station.


The weather wasn’t the best and every time we went to cook supper, it rained. Andrew bravely volunteered for supper duty most nights, while Friedel hid in the tent.


One morning, while waiting for the group to get ready to leave, we noticed this cool handlebar bag. It belongs to Wilbert, who’s cycled many miles around the world.


We also spent some time admiring the shadows through our tent…


And the beautiful sun coming through the trees.

Unfortunately, it rained most of the rest of the weekend, so we didn’t take many more photos. We did have fun though and can’t wait for our next trip with the Wereldfietser club.