Charging A Laptop While Bike Touring

Macbook ProSo many bike tourists are now carrying laptops, that the question of how to charge them comes up very often. It popped into our email box again this week.

“This summer I took a mini-laptop with me for the first time while cycling 4 weeks through Germany, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. And all of a sudden you are not fully independent anymore, as the thing eats power and you cannot recharge it from a small solar panel. Is there a solution for this? I know you can buy a hub dynamo and attach a contraption that outputs 5v, which would be fine for mp3-player, phone, and probably also gps and e-reader (basically everything that can be charged via USB) but what about the battery of a laptop?” -Rob Mulder

Read our answer here: Charging A Laptop While Bike Touring.