Bike Touring Books For Your Winter Reading List

In the past few weeks we’ve heard from several bike tourists who’ve recently written books about their travels and experiences.

Here are some of the titles that have recently come to our attention. Maybe you’d enjoy adding a few of these books to your winter reading list.


#1. To St. Petersburg With Love

To St. Petersburg With Love e-bookIn 2010, the author of To St. Petersburg With Love was dreaming up ideas for an adventurous trip with a friend.

They debated hiring a camper or touring by car, and then came up with the idea of going by bicycle.

“It was a crazy suggestion as neither of us had cycled possibly more than 10 miles in a day for at least a decade. We were both 30- something and at that stage, shall we say built for comfort not speed”

So begins Mel’s tale of a 4,800km trip to St. Petersburg and back. The book is available from Amazon.

#2. Travelogue

TravelogueMany people think of a round-the-world bicycle trip as something that has to be done in one continuous journey but David Piper decided to divide his trip into a series of shorter journeys that eventually would take him around the globe.

Travelogue is the story of his many adventures, covering 18,610 miles through 32 countries. Also interesting is the fact that David did all of this on a racing bike with a minimum of luggage − proof that bike touring doesn’t have to include beefy bike frames, wide tires and heavily loaded bags.

David’s book is available on his website, with all proceeds going to charity.


#3. The Cycle Tourist

The Cycle TouristPractical advice is always welcome when setting out on a tour. The Cycle Tourist is a book that shares personal tips for booking a bicycle tour and picking out equipment.

It’s written by Australian journalist Gary Corbett and is based on his experience of participating in many guided, self-guided, bike-and-barge and long distance tours over recent years.

The book is available in Kindle format from Amazon.