71km N9 junction to Zagora

A great morning view from the tentFriedel interviewing fellow cyclistsAfter a peaceful night camping in the river bed – well, at least peaceful once the dogs stopped howling at the moon around midnight – we flew down the road to Zagora. The mixture of a good downhill stretch and lots of local kids trying to race us meant we went about 5km an hour faster than normal and were in the city by 2pm, probably a record for the trip so far! And that was even after fighting a fierce headwind and flying dust and sand for the last part of the journey into Zagora. Just before we got to the city we met four touring cyclists going the other way, two from Germany and two from Austria. They have been cycling around for a few weeks now and really enjoyed M’Hamid, a desert town about 100km further down the road from Zagora. We aren’t planning to go that far on our bikes: the hike back up into Marrakech, over two mountain passes, should be plenty for us. Before that we will enjoy a longer-than-usual break in Zagora, including some trekking in the desert.