59km Sanlucar de Barrameda – Nuevo Rocio

With our friends, Yves and IngridOne of the sherry bodegas in SanlucarThe morning started looking a bit gray, yet we knew today would be a later start than normal and we were glad to see the skies lighten up as the day went on. Walking around Sanlucar tracking down a coffee and something for breakfast we went by some of the sherry bodegas, hoping for a later tasting. After meeting up with Yves and Ingrid we went to have a tour of a bodega but found out that the tour had been cancelled. This was a disappointment and we looked at a few other places for a tour but luck just wasn’t on our side today. Instead we ended up getting a last minute coffee and discussed our plans for the day. Originally we had the idea to travel up a fairly main road but as we were leaving Sanlucar we made the decision to alter our course and follow the river towards Seville. Marked on our map is a small crossing of the Guadalquivir River in the town of La Senuela, yet we were a bit surprised when we got there. It looked like a small ghost town. The only sign of life was some laundry out to dry behind a distant house. Soon afterwards we found a tree laden flat patch of ground which wasn’t fenced off, so this looked like the best place to set up for the night. Relaxing and cooking our dinner before setting up the tent is a change to the normal run of events each night. It’s only possible to do this now that the clocks have gone back and we have more light in the evenings. The wildlife along this stretch is plentiful. Next to the river we hear fish jumping catching their dinner. It makes us think, wouldn’t it be nice to have a grilled fish for a second course??