58km Almancil to Ameixial

Leaving Rich and Paulaand some wine of courseOne of the harder parts of touring now that we are on the road (the hardest part of this trip was actually making the decision to go in the first place, leaving behind our friends, family, jobs and routines) is making a start after a few days in one place. We got so comfortable the last few days with our friends Rich and Paula in their holiday home in Portugal. It was a real luxury break, with a pool to swim in, great food supplied by Rich the Barbeque King (his self appointed title) and a bed that was almost bigger than our tent! We set off rather reluctantly after breakfast and did a few chores in Almancil before heading into the hills north of Faro. What a beautiful ride it was. Even though it was raining for much of the day, we didn’t mind because the scenery and flowers out for spring in Portugal were a treat for the eyes. We recognised white and purple irises as well as daisies and several other flowers that will have to remain unnamed. We also tucked into a lunch of fish at a local spot. Although we are trying to do this trip on a reasonably tight budget, it would be a shame not to enjoy the local cuisine, especially when the fish is so fresh and the wine so good. Our day ended by finding a wild camping site among cork trees just outside the village of Ameixial.