57km Évora to Estramoz

Climbing to EvoramonteAndrew and EvoraWe woke to a slight chill in the air; something we are slowly readjusting to as we work our way north after a winter in the warmer parts of the world. The daytime temperatures are just right for cycling but the cool mornings don’t do much to encourage us out of our sleeping bags. We snuggled in for a few extra minutes of sleep before Andrew got brave enough to get out and make the coffee, in his cycling shorts no less! Friedel was not quite so courageous and instead reached for her long cycling leggings, something we haven’t dug out from the bottom of the panniers in quite some time. After breakfast we set out to explore Évora, hoping to see just a few of its 24 amazing attractions including a Roman-Gothic cathedral, a Roman temple, an aquaduct, several palaces, churches, monasteries and museums. It would be perfectly possible to spend a week trotting up and down the cobbled lanes of Évora to see all the sights, but we took just a few hours to see the highlights. The aquaduct stuck in both of our minds for the houses built into its arches and the Roman temple, built in the Acropolis, was also impressive. Sightseeing done, we climbed the hill to Évoramonte, about 30km outside of Évora, and took in the view of the surrounding countryside from the peak, before gliding down through fields filled with sheep to the town of Estremoz. A left turn put us on track for a two day ride to our next major town, Castelo Branco, which we won’t likely get to until Monday. In between we hope to ride through plenty more vineyards and, if we’re lucky, find a restaurant serving a delicious Easter lunch.