Twenty Questions

We thought it would be kind of fun to answer a few questions on our minds before we embark on our trip. Maybe the answers will change by the end of our journey.

What are you most looking forward to?
Some time to think and get out of the routine of daily life (F). The open road on a sunny day (A)
What will you miss about work?
The adrenaline of covering a breaking news story (F). My friendships and increasing my knowledge (A).
What will be your most prized possession on the road, aside from the bikes?
My camera (F). My PSP (A)
What thing will you miss most about London?
The fabulous culture and the pubs (F)!! A pint of Sussex at the Market Porter (A).
What do you think will be your biggest challenge?
Cycling for the umpteenth day in the rain up a mountain (F). Filling in the monotony of day-to-day cycling with something exciting (A).
What do you wish you could take with you?
A fully-stocked kitchen with a gas stove (F)! A pair of comfy jeans and my Doc Martins (A).
What food do you think you’ll get really tired of eating?
Porridge (F). Non-spicy stew (A).
What country are you most looking forward to spending time in?
Tough one. Can I have two? Turkey and Japan. Oh, and Morocco and China and…. (F) India (A)
Will you miss watching TV?
No (F). Yes, for keeping up with news (A).
What part of your bike are you most worried about falling apart?
The back drive-side spokes (F) and (A).
How many kilometers do you think you’ll cover in total?
50,000 (F) 70,000 (A)
How many nights a week will you camp?
Five out of seven (F). Four (A).
How many punctures do you think you’ll get?
None *said very hopefully* (F). 150 (A)
How many days will it take before you forget about work?
At least 2 weeks (F). Four weeks (A).
Which do you look forward to more, flat stretches or mountains?
Flat! Round the world by towpath anyone (F)??? Mountains (A)
What’s the one cycling tool you’d never do without?
Cycle computer (F). Duct tape (A).
What new skill do you think you’ll learn during your travels?
Something to do with organic farming or living sustainably (F). Communication with people face-to-face (A).
Which weather conditions would you prefer: windy and sunny or calm and cloudy?
Calm and cloudy (F). Windy and sunny (A).
Where do you think you’ll settle after your trip?
Canada (F) UK (A)
What job do you think you’ll return to?
Something involving food or the environment or maybe both (F). An IT job in the publishing sector (A).