Bike Touring Basics: A Free eBook

biketouringbasicsSince we started this site in 2006, you’ve sent us all kinds of questions on bike touring.

How can I save money for a tour? Are panniers better than trailers? What kind of bike should I buy?

From today, you can get the answers to these and many more questions in our new Bike Touring Basics eBook. It’s taken us many weeks of work but we think you’ll agree, the final result looks great.

It’s 60 pages of advice, tips and inspiration, drawn from our own bike touring experience and put together with photos, quotes and contributions from across the bike touring community. We hope it will encourage you to get out and travel by bicycle, as well as answering some of those questions everyone has when they get ready for a big tour.

In the book, you’ll learn about:

  • Why bike touring is so much fun
  • How to save money for a tour
  • How to pick out a destination and a route
  • Training before you leave
  • What bike to buy
  • The basic gear (sleeping mats, tents, bike accessories)
  • Finding the pace that’s right for you
  • Where to sleep
  • Managing Money

And more!

To get Bike Touring Basics, just go here and download it for free.

Just one more thing, once you’ve read Bike Touring Basics, don’t forget to let us know what you think. This is just the first of many books we hope to publish so we’d love to know what you want to see in the next one.

*100% spam free. May inspire you to quit your job and go cycling.