10 Questions: Bike Touring In Utah

USA_above_vert_Paul_Jeurissen.jpgThe American Southwest might not have great food, but it does have some of the most spectacular nature in the world to cycle through.

Photographer Paul Jeurissen and his wife Grace first cycled there in 1991. Since then they keep returning to experience the vast desert landscapes to be found in places like Utah, Arizona, New Mexico and western Colorado.

Grace tells about their American Southwest cycling experiences – especially in the state of Utah – in this week’s 10 Questions.

1. What are the highlights of cycling through the American Southwest?

Of course the National Parks such as Bryce, Zion and Canyonlands are beautiful but for us the highlights were cycling Utah’s numerous back roads. On these dirt roads, the scenery is just as spectacular and it feels as if you have the whole road just for yourself.

Read the full article on Cycling in Utah.