Keep Your Camping Dishes Clean With Scrubr: Review & Contest!

Scrubr DishclothIt’s hard to work up a lot of enthusiasm for a dishcloth but compared to the disgusting sponges we end up with after a few weeks of bike touring, the Scrubr is a dream.

What makes it different from any other dishcloth?

For a start, this abrasive little piece of nylon and polyester does what it claims. It scrubs away food efficiently, while resisting odors and being easy to clean. That alone is a big improvement over normal kitchen scourers, which get grotty and stinky pretty quickly, in our experience.

It also weighs just 7 grams, and dries completely in just minutes. Even on a cloudy day, it’s dry in less than 5 minutes.

Best of all, the Scrubr costs just $3 U.S.

We tested the Scrubr out extensively at home and were entirely impressed. We thought the Scrubr should get a bike touring workout too, so we gave one to Paula & Rik a few weeks ago and asked for their honest opinion. They said:

“It is nothing short of brilliant. The slight texture of the weave is enough to give the non-stick pans a scrub without damaging the finish, and I’ve given them quite a scrub! I’ve found that food scraps can get caught in the weave but a brief scrub at the end of the wash is enough to remove them. The little elastic loop is perfect for hanging the cloth to dry from a handlebar and it dries in no time. All in all, a top product and we both love using it.”

The company that makes the Scrubr also offers a washcloth called the Trekr. It’s slightly bigger and less abrasive, and the idea is that it’s great for washing off sunscreen and road dirt after a long day of cycling. Since we’ve never carried a facecloth with us on a bike tour (we just splash soapy water over our faces), we’re less convinced of the Trekr’s usefulness but you might find it intriguing.

Both the Scrubr and the Trekr are available from Lunatec, or Amazon carries a 2-pack of the Scrubr and a 2-pack of the Trekr.

*** Win A Scrubr or Trekr! ***

Update: The contest is closed. Look here for the winners.

Lucky you! Lunatec gave us 2 Scrubrs and a Trekr to give away. Want to win one?

Just leave a comment and tell us why you’d like to win one. Enter by 5pm on Thursday, June 16th (European time). We’ll announce the winners on Friday.