2 Day Special: Buy A Book, Help A Cyclist

Update: Thanks to the 48 people who bought books through our site. We’ve transfered €240 to Pete, to help with his expenses for replacement gear. We’ll also be sending a free copy of the book to everyone who donated to Pete directly on these 2 days, as soon as he passes their emails on to us. Happy reading everyone, and thanks for being part of a great bike touring community.

Pete Gostelow in TibetWorld bike tourist Peter Gostelow was recently robbed of almost all his possessions, while cycling through Kenya.

Nearly everything, except his bicycle, is gone. This includes his laptop, camera, bike tools, and even his tent poles.

Obviously, that’s going to make it pretty tough for Pete to carry on to South Africa, and since we’ve really enjoyed Pete’s photos and journal entries, we want him to carry on. So, for the next 2 days, we’re offering a special deal.

Spend €5 (about $7 U.S.) on our Bike Touring Survival Guide today, Sunday, July 17th, or tomorrow, Monday, July 18th, and we’ll pass all the money along to Pete.

Or, donate to Pete directly on these 2 days and he’ll pass your email on to us, so we can send you a free copy (you’ll see a PayPal button at the bottom of this post).

Let’s see how much money we can raise, to help get this cyclist back on the road!