10 Questions

The colour of the water is enchanting10 Questions is a series where we ask cyclists to share a bit of information about a favourite cycling destination.

It could be a small region or a whole continent. The size or location doesn’t matter so much but what makes the difference is that the people answering the questions are passionate about the destination they choose to share with us.

Some choose to go back to their destination several times. Others vow never to repeat the experience, yet cherish it as one of their best cycling trips.

Read on to see what people are talking about…

Cycling In Utah


The American Southwest might not have great food, but it does have some of the most spectacular nature in the world to cycle through. Photographer Paul Jeurissen and his wife Grace first cycled there in 1991 and have returned often to experience the vast desert landscapes. There are some drawbacks to touring in the region […] Read More »

Cycling From Canada To Mexico


Between Canada and the Mexican border is one of the world’s most beautiful roads for bicycle touring: the Pacific Coast Highway. This edition of 10 Questions looks at the amazing views and experiences along the way, as well as the challenges of big hills and rain, as experienced by Dan during his 2008 tour of […] Read More »

Cycling In Central America


Central America is a region that offers cyclists diverse experiences, from thick jungle to beautiful coastlines, both paved and dirt roads, and of course many vibrant cultures and countries to learn about. In this week’s 10 Questions, Olivia of Crazy On Bikes tells us about her experience bike touring in Central America with her partner […] Read More »

Cycling In Southern Morocco


Southern Morocco is a great winter cycling destination with its varied landscapes, friendly people and cheap accommodation. Photographer Paul Jeurissen and his wife Grace cycled there in 2009. In this edition of 10 Questions, Grace tells about their experience bike touring from Marrakech towards the Sahara desert. Read More »

Cycling In Vietnam


Thinking about cycling in Vietnam? Dave, an American who’s lived and bike toured there for the past 3 years, shares tips about the food, how much you need to bargain and how to ask for directions when you’re not sure how to get to the next town. Read More »

Cycling In Cuba


Cuba has friendly people, quiet roads and you can tour there on a budget. That was the experience of Canadian couple Margo & Chris, who spent January of 2006 cycling 1,800km across Cuba. They were greeted warmly by local Cubans, but did have some troubles finding food. Read about it in this edition of 10 […] Read More »

Cycling America’s Southern Tier


Stephane and Sheri Marchiori, a French-American couple, give their tips for cycling the well known Southern Tier route through some of America’s best landscapes. The journey, part of a 5-year world tour, took them through some of the most beautiful landscapes of their trip, including the stunning Grand Canyon and the Mojave Desert. Read More »

Cycling In Africa


Africa is a place that can appear both exciting and slightly intimidating for cyclists planning a bike tour. Alongside amazing cultures and landscapes is a fear of the unknown. Not nearly as much information is out there for Africa, compared with more popular biking destinations like Asia or Europe. That’s why we’re so happy this […] Read More »

Cycling In Oman, Qatar And The UAE


David Piper is a man on a mission: 16,000 miles over 4 continents on his bicycle. Around the world, in other words, but with a twist. Instead of doing his global journey all in one go, David is linking up a series of rides that will eventually connect to make his circumnavigation complete. After cycling […] Read More »

Cycling In Forbidden Lands


Cycling in countries not normally on the tourist trail – and in some cases considered outright dangerous – was the goal of Dan Martin when he set out to cycle from Korea to Cape Town. Along the way, he discovered the hidden gems within countries that most cyclists don’t go to and in this column […] Read More »

Cycling Around The U.S.A.


A trip around America on a tandem bicycle: that’s the journey that Alan & Morrigan started in 2009. Over 10-1/2 months, and they travelled 11,000 miles around the United States, from Maine to Florida, California, Washington and back to New York. Now, they’re answering 10 Questions for us on bicycle touring around America. Read More »

Cycling In Tunisia


In this week’s 10 Questions, world cyclists Tara & Tyler tell us about the part of their trip that took them to Tunisia, in northern Africa. It was a mixed experience, with some incredible landscapes, sights and great street food, but also a few challenges they didn’t expect. Read More »

Cycling The Indian Himalaya


In the adventure-cycling world, India’s beautiful Himalaya mountains are one of the most interesting and scenic places you can go bike touring, as well as one of the more challenging. Christian Dittmann recently completed a bike tour in this area. For this edition of 10 Questions, Christian describes his bike tour there in summer 2010 […] Read More »

Three Weeks In Cuba


Gili and Maya are a Canadian couple who spent three weeks cycling Cuba at the end of 2011. With preparations for our own trip to Cuba in full swing, we were thrilled when Gili and Maya offered to share some of their planning wisdom and trip experiences with us. Read More »

Cycling The Pamir Highway


Tajikistan’s Pamir Highway is one of the world’s most famous routes for the adventurous bicycle tourist. Because of the high altitudes and extreme climate, most people tackle this route in the more temperate summer months, but a few brave souls show up on the edge of winter – as Christine McDonald did. Read More »

Cycling In Denmark


Denmark is one of the most cycle-friendly countries in the world, so it makes a great place to go bike touring. That’s just what Patrick and Sandra – a husband and wife team from Britain – have done and they’re planning to return again. Read More »

Cycling In Corsica


The mountainous island of Corsica is both a beautiful and challenging place to go bicycle touring, as Mark & Maria Williams found out in September 2010. On their tandem bicycle, they spent two weeks exploring the island. They enjoyed great food, almost perfect weather and spectacular views but had to work for the privilege. Corsica […] Read More »

Cycling On The Andean Puna


The Puna, or Altiplano, is a high altitude region of the Central Andes spanning Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina. Harriet & Neil Pike explored the Puna extensively by bicycle in 2010 and 2011. They recently took the time to answer 10 Questions about their tour through the area. Read More »

Cycling In Scandinavia


In the summer of 2008, Carl Cartlidge decided to ride from Europe to Istanbul… the long way. His route took him from Oslo to the North Cape – Europe’s most northerly point, inside the Arctic Circle – before he turned around and started heading south to Istanbul. Carl found Scandinavia one of the most rewarding […] Read More »

Cycling Patagonia


Friends Jonathan Tillett and Rob McLachan biked and hiked their way over 3,000km in Patagonia, South America. They experienced stunning scenery, but also fierce headwinds and rough dirt roads. Read More »

Cycling Across Canada


Canadian couple Scott & Becky left their home in Ottawa in 2008 to cycle around the world. As part of their 16 month trip on recumbent bicycles, they biked all the way across Canada, including remote stretches in Newfoundland and Labrador. In this week’s 10 Questions, Scott & Becky tell us about the highlights of […] Read More »

Cycling In Taiwan


The beautiful island of Taiwan, just off the southeast coast of China, hasn’t yet become well known as a bike touring destination. It’s not for lack of potential though. With plenty of mountains to test your thighs, visas on arrival and a vibrant culture, this could be your next great winter get away. Read More »

Cycling In India


For many people, India is a daunting, yet intriguing, travel destination. Australian cyclist Andrea Collisson has been there several times. She shares tips on what parts to take, how to deal with traffic and what keeps her coming back to the country. Read More »

Cycling In Toronto


The Canadian city of Toronto doesn’t have a reputation as a bike touring destination. Most cyclists head west to the majestic Rocky Mountains or east to the fishing villages and rolling hills of Quebec. But Toronto native Allan Stokell – a keen bike tourist and owner of the Tour Cycle bike tour company – says […] Read More »

Cycling in Spain


Fin & Zoa started a long-term bicycle tour in 2008, with their dogs Jack & PocoLoco. Part of their 17,000km journey included an extended stay in Spain, and they rate the southern part of the country as one of their top 5 bicycle rides. They tell us more about their favourite parts of Spain for […] Read More »

Cycling Around France


In the summer of 2009, friends Richard & Kevin set out on a 40-day bike tour around France. Their trip took them in a U-shaped pattern around the edge of France, first past the surfing beaches and vineyards of Western France, then along the Pyrenees mountains, along the Mediterranean coastline and back north towards Grenoble […] Read More »

Cycling In Ethiopia


Doug Nienhuis spent a year cycling and hiking in Ethiopia in the late 1990s. Travelling slowly, he explored nearly every corner of Ethiopia and experienced many sides of the country. From wonderful landscapes and hospitable people to frustration through illness and stone-throwing children. Now Doug is sharing his memories and his tips for cycling in […] Read More »

Cycling In Indonesia


Liz and Chris cycled across Indonesia in 2010. When they first arrived there from Australia, their first impression was of a country full of sensations. They share the highlights and daily routines of bike touring in Indonesia, including being adopted by local families for an evening. Read More »

Cycling In Siberia


Cycling in Siberia. In the winter. Sounds like fun, right? Well, sort of. In 2004, Alastair Humpreys did just that with his friend Rob Lilwall, as part of Alastair’s trip around the world and Rob’s long ride back to England. They experienced frigid temperatures, technical problems with the bikes as plastic started snapping in the […] Read More »

Cycling In Nepal


Since October 2008, Rob Halkett has been making his way around the world on his Koga touring bike – a 3 year, 50,000km journey that’s so far taken him across Europe, the Middle East and Asia. In late 2009, Rob went to Nepal and here he anwers 10 Questions about where he biked in Nepal, […] Read More »

Cycling In Languedoc


Gerry Patterson is a bike-loving Canadian who’s taken up residence in Languedoc, southern France. Learn about Gerry’s tips for bike touring in Languedoc, including the main sights, his favourite ride and getting your bike on public transport in the region. Read More »

Cycling Quebec’s Gaspe


The Gaspé Penninsula, in the far east of the Canadian province of Quebec, is renowned as one of the most beautiful places to ride your bike in the whole of Canada. Think plenty of fishing villages and lighthouses, stunning views and more than a few stunning hills as well! Paul Stockton toured the area and […] Read More »

Cycling The Karakoram Highway


The Karakoram Highway is one of the world’s great roads, and also a classic bike touring route. In this edition of 10 Questions, John & Gayle share tips for cycling the KKH, based on their experiences riding from Kashgar in China to Islamabad, Pakistan in summer 2010. Read More »

Cycling In China


Louis & Lysanne left their home in Canada autumn 2010 for a bike tour around the world. They recently spent 3 months exploring China. In this edition of 10 Questions, Louis & Lysanne share a wealth of tips and advice for other cyclists, also planning to see China from the saddle of a bicycle. Read More »