A New Bike Touring Guidebook For Malaysia

Pedalling The PeninsulaAnyone planning to cycle around Malaysia will want to check out a new guidebook about the country, Pedalling Around The Peninsula.

It’s written by Malaysian bike tourist Sandra Loh. She has included stories from her own bike tour to the four corners of Peninsular Malaysia plus 10 sectional maps, roughly showing the routes that she took.

Sandra said she was inspired to write the book because she wanted to share the beauty of her home country with other cyclists.

You can cycle here anytime from mid February until September. There are lots of beautiful country roads to explore and interesting sights. Only light clothing is required, plus a good rain jacket.

Pedalling The PeninsulaShe also offered some additional tips for cycling in Malaysia:

  1. Since Malaysia is in the tropics, do expect hot and humid weather to prevail throughout the year. The best times to start cycling is at dawn, when it is much cooler. Rest during the hottest time of the day (12 noon to 3pm) and continue your journey in the late afternoon. Carry extra water while on tour because dehydration is most likely to occur easily in this hot weather. Sunglasses and sunblock are also highly recommended!
  2. You can find a lot of rest areas when travelling from one small town to another. The best place to take a breather is at petrol stations or small food stalls. Budget hotels are mostly available in small towns.
  3. We cycle on the left side of the road. A loud bell or a whistle will be useful as the locals here tend to ride on their bicycles on the wrong side of the road!

In addition to her book Pedalling Around The Peninsula, Sandra also writes about bike touring on her blog.