105km Balatonszepezd to Kisfalud

Sunflowers!A curve ball came our way today. We’d spent the day pushing ahead in strong winds to Székesfehérvár, one of the bigger cities in Hungary. Our plans had been to camp in the city before pushing on to Budapest tomorrow but as we rolled into the campground in the early evening we were told it was closed. The whole area was cordoned off for a concert this weekend and we were out of luck. For us, this is one of the most demoralising things that can happen on the road. We’d worked hard all day, we were more than ready to stop and just as we thought we were home free then the prospect of at least another hour on the road reared its head. This is when cycle touring on a budget is at its toughest. With a bit more money we might have just headed for a hotel but instead we stopped to make supper and collect our thoughts. The only real choice was to carry on and hope to find a field for our tent. Somehow we stumbled on the right road out of town and soon found ourselves on a farm track between two villages. It was actually marked as a minor road on our map and very minor it was too. In the rain it would be little more than a puddle of mud. We bumped over dried ruts for a while before our luck came back. The terrain soon became perfect for wild camping. After over 100km we didn’t need much convincing to stop for the day. All’s well that ends well but it sure was tiring finding our home for the night!