73km Korneuberg to Rossatz

Stunning church steepleThe heavy metal concert from last night died down before long and we fell asleep soon after the screaming sounds stopped drifting across the river. We were glad when the band stopped since their music wasn’t exactly as soothing as the famous Danube Waltz. With another good night’s sleep we dragged ourselves out of bed early again and pedalled further west towards Germany. We feel a bit out of place, just as we did when we traced part of the Santiago pilgrims route in Spain and everyone was going the other direction. Dozens of cyclists seem to be heading for Vienna, not away from it, and even the wind is conspiring against us in heading east. Even with the headwind though we made good time. The trail is very flat and with no traffic to distract us we really fly along. If it wasn’t so hot we’d probably easily do 100km a day but at the moment we’re choosing to more or less stop at lunchtime. Today we’d hoped to set up our tent in the town of Krems, to explore its beautiful historic centre, but as soon as we saw the campsite we knew we’d move on. It had no shade. In fact, it was just a brown field, crowded with tents, and the price they were asking was too much for too little. Instead we moved on just down the river to the village of Rossatz where we found a campsite with apple and pear trees and a lovely view of the river as well as a sky-blue church spire on the other side. Much prettier and cheaper too