98km Nea Iraklitsa to Mandras Beach

Istanbul here we come!Today was a beach day. We woke up by the water in our campsite and finished there as well with supper on the sand as we watched fisherman wade out into the waves. They had lines and hooks but also a long rod which they plunged through the water and into the sand. Maybe trying to catch some kind of crab or clam?

Our first plan was to sleep under the stars on the quiet beach but the mosquitos came out near dusk and put an end to the idea of snoozing outside in just our sleeping bags. Instead we made a last minute dash to an olive grove just up the road which also made a peaceful home for the night. There can’t be many other things like a mosquito which have the ability to annoy people all over the world. We certainly thought the season might be over by now but no such luck!

Earlier in the day we dawdled over small country roads along the Nestos river delta; an area which seems to live on farming and has more bird life than we’ve seen anywhere else in Greece. Herons were out fishing in the marsh waters near the beach and we saw hawks soaring overhead. Beautiful.