Eid in Aleppo

We’re experiencing a very restful few days here in Aleppo and have developed a bit of a routine as we settle in for Christmas. Scrambled eggs and cappuccino for breakfast. Internet cafe to check email. Lazy afternoon watching trashy U.S. television and an evening of cooking and wine with friends in the hotel. It’s not a bad life and a nice diversion from the rigours of the road, which we will be returning to very soon as we head to Iran for the New Year.

Our quiet days though have recently been punctuated by the chaos of Eid on the streets of Aleppo. Thousands of Turks have come to the city during the Muslim holiday for a spot of cut-price shopping (the shopping phenomenon isn’t unique to Christmas!) and, while the streets are devoid of the usual number of cars and taxis, the sidewalks are full to bursting with people bargaining for huge quantities of rice and sugar. Here’s a video from the streets of Aleppo during Eid.