98km Deh Shir to Yazd

Cycling into a puff of black smokeIt was a challenging climb out of our camping spot behind the police station in Deh Shir and up to the top of the mountain range that lies just before Yazd but we couldn’t really complain because the rest of the ride was downhill – a good 80km without turning our pedals around.

Beautiful. Our speedometers topped out at 75km an hour as we flew towards Yazd, cruising into the city in the early afternoon.

Christian and Friedel chattingAs we arrived at our hotel, it was a nice surprise to find another cyclist there who we’d met a few weeks earlier in Tehran. Christian was just getting ready to head towards the Turkmenistan border and we chatted for a few minutes before he cycled away on a path we’ll follow a month later. The rest of the evening was spent getting to know the other guests, a few Australians, Italians and Canadians.

It’s a social spot here at the Silk Road Hotel and we can easily see ourselves lounging in the courtyard over the next few weeks, when we’re not trying to get our visas in order for Central Asia. We just received the last bit of paperwork we need to get our Uzbek visa today by email so it looks like a trip to Tehran by bus will come in the next couple of days.