In New Brunswick’s capital city

Andrew fares a little betterThatWe’re not sure what it is about capital cities, but each time we hit one it seems to start raining. Okay, we’ve only been in two yet — Quebec and now Fredericton — but maybe we’ll avoid them from now on! For anyone who thought cycling around the world was a glamourous job, just picture yourself soaked through from the rain, having biked 60km up some pretty big hills, and now paying for expensive coffee to try and get warmed up again. Before the rain started though we did continue to enjoy some beautiful scenery, including views over the St John river and local wildlife. Three deers crossed the road in front of us on Tuesday and we have seen a lot of herons on the river, a few loons and flocks of Canada Geese flying overhead in their ‘v’ formations. We’ve also had some success trying wild camping out, first at the Grand Falls tourist bureau (possibly not the best choice) and second in the forested grounds of the Beechwood power plant, which had the advantage of being beside a running stream where we could wash ourselves and our clothes. It’s a simple existence but enjoyable nonetheless. We start the home stretch tomorrow, towards Sackville, hoping to reach home on Sunday night.