Icebreaker Gear Winners!

m+ss11+gtbk+circuit+ss+jersey+ib6b06636+WEBIt’s so much fun to give away stuff. Today we’re announcing the 6 lucky winners of the contest to win Icebreaker cycling gear and socks from the new 2011 range!

First, let’s just say it was really hard to pick winners from the more than 150 entries. Thanks to everyone who took the time to leave a comment and Tweet about the contest.

We’d love to give a prize to everyone, but for now it’s the following lucky names who will be getting Icebreaker clothing in the mail soon: either bike-specific tops or a pack of socks! We’ll be asking all the winners to give honest feedback on their Icebreaker gear in the coming months, so keep your eyes posted for their experiences.

Drum roll please….

Cycling Gear Winners

#1 – Helena

Helena can’t find any Icebreaker gear in her area. Since she’s wearing out her current gear, we thought she deserved a new top to see her through:

“I would very much appreciate the chance to get to test out some cycling-motivated merino kit! When I lived in the UK it was very popular but here in Austria it doesn’t seem to have hit the shops yet and all my UK-bought merino tops are slowly becoming more holes than cloth. I’m setting off in a few months on a long trip through America and am just starting to buy all the extra kit I need, merino tops are on my list for the cold mornings but until now I hadn’t seen any especially made for biking. I’ve hosted various cyclists through the WarmShowers site and have noticed that the ones I’ve had to suggest a shower to tend to be those in synthetics…”

#2 – David Lutzy (@davidlutzy on Twitter)

David is another adventurous person, who’s already worn through a few tops:

“This is a great opportunity, thank you for letting us post and get a chance to test your products. I have just spent 3 months wearing only 3 Icebreaker t-shirts every day under a back brace. I broke my back landing my parachute in June. I alternated Icebreaker t-shirts to prevent yeast infection under the brace and be able to bare the hot summer. I can assure you that it works. It is antibacterial! I am in physical rehab now and cycling is my main sport. I would love to be able to test your new products and get the chance to move beyond those 3 t-shirts…

#3 – Jodi (@Nelinda on Twitter)

Jodi is already a fan of merino wool, but hasn’t had a chance to try out Icebreaker gear yet, so here’s your opportunity, Jodi!

“I have heard really good things about Icebreaker, but I’ve not had the opportunity to try any of their gear. I ♥ merino wool. It’s getting dark and cool out, and I know a nice layer of merino will help keep the weather at bay while riding both for pleasure and for transport this winter. Would be more than willing to give my thoughts on the top.”

#4 – Jo Jordan

Jo has already tried some Icebreaker gear, and is very keen to give feedback – exactly what Icebreaker are looking for.

“What an opportunity for me to put my wool where my mouth is. I have spread the news of how great Icebreaker can be the solution for fast and light travel; especially on long trips. A few of my friends and fiancee have crossed over. But an opportunity to convert my biking friends is priceless. I know the Team at Icebreaker do their own product testing in house, but you need more help. Some users would like to contribute to the success of our personal investment. For example some of your under garments can loose integrity, and create finger size holes…Or maybe the shape and placement of certain cross patterns can differ around the body. There are users out there who really believe in your product. We want an opportunity to test it, and later buy it knowing that it will last. The biggest disappointment is buying something you thought would be an investment but later regret spending too much resources to pursue such an ideal.”

Sock Winners

#1 – Gabriele Wood

icebreakersocks2.jpgGabriele sounds like someone who will give the socks a real workout:

“Oh I’d love to test them socks as I ride my bike all year round, perfect for me to test I’d say.”

#2 – David Peach (@dpeach on Twitter)

David is preparing for his first bike tour, so we look forward to hearing how both the socks and the tour go!

“I would love to win a top. I especially look forward to winning the socks. I love socks. Mentally preparing for my first bike tour soon. Physically I still have a ways to go.”

That’s it for now. Keep your eyes on TravellingTwo, for more contests in the coming months.