Using A Smartphone On Your Next Bike Tour

In this guest post, Grace Johnson explains how an HTC Desire smartphone is proving exceptionally handy to navigate daily routes and stay in touch during a world bicycle tour. Take it away, Grace…

Alicia's Smartphone
A smartphone can be a very handy all-in-one gadget on a bicycle tour.

Together with my husband Paul, we’re bicycling around the world in search of inspiring cycle images. We’re currently (September 2011) in Nepal and so far we’ve found our smartphone to be extremely useful for navigating our route and other tasks.

Before I go into the details, here are two important things to know. First, we plan our route day-by-day and not beforehand. Second, navigating with a smartphone requires an internet and satellite connection. If you will be cycling in an area where there is no internet connection, it is possible to load Google Maps into your smartphone’s cache. It is also possible to load maps from Open Street Map but so far we haven’t used them.

Keep reading about Using A Smartphone On Your Next Bike Tour

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