Interview With TravellingTwo

Usually we do the interviewing, but this week it was Friedel’s turn to answer questions from Carlos, who runs a Spanish sustainable tourism website. Read the interview in Spanish

Carlos: Why did you start

Friedel: TravellingTwo started in 2006, when my husband Andrew & I decided to ride our bicycles around the world. We weren’t athletes. We weren’t cyclists. We just wanted a different way to travel at a slower pace. Because we didn’t know anything about bike touring when we started, we really appreciated all the information that other people shared on their websites. That’s when we decided to also make our website a helpful resource for others planning bike tours.

Carlos: What do you think of the the bike as a touring transport along the years? how has it evolved with time?

Friedel: The bikes and gear that bicycle tourists use are always changing, of course: lighter, more durable, more efficient. At its heart, however, I think bike touring is really about the same thing that it was 100 years ago; a chance to discover the world in a different way, to be in touch with the landscapes and people of the areas you visit, rather than just speeding through on a train or a bus.

Carlos: Do you think most people have a misrepresented image of travelling by bike? In that case, what are the myths to be destroyed?

Friedel: Most people we meet are very curious and envious about travelling by bike. They almost all say something like “I’d love to do that, if only I were 20 years younger” or “That looks like fun, but I can’t even pedal to the supermarket”.

This idea that bicycle touring is difficult must be the biggest myth. You don’t need a lot of special gear (we have met people crossing continents on terrible bikes) and you don’t have to be a super-athlete to do this. Anyone can go bike touring, especially because you always set your own pace. It’s not a race or a marathon. We have met bike tourists who go just 30-40km a day, and other people who travel over 100km in the same day. The distance isn’t the issue, it’s the attitude that counts.

Tenting and cycling in Morocco

Carlos: What are the most important pros and cons of travelling by bike for you?

Friedel: For me, the best thing about bike touring is the contact you have with people. Because you are travelling a bit differently, they stop to talk to you, invite you home for the night or show you around their town. It’s a great way to make new friends, all over the world. Also, I love how alive it makes me feel. That sensation of being on the bike, in the fresh air, with your legs propelling you forward through beautiful landscapes – it’s the most invigorating thing I have ever done.

The cons? Well, of course nothing is perfect. On a bike you are very exposed to the elements and you can’t cover distance as quickly as in a car, so sometimes you get caught in a rainstorm, or you don’t find a place to sleep and have to go a bit further. But you soon get very good at preparing for and anticipating these challenges. With a bit of planning and experience, you can either deal with them or avoid them altogether.

Cycling In Kyrgyzstan

Carlos: What do you think are the biggest barriers to bike travel?

Friedel: The biggest barrier is in your own mind. Once you make a decision to go, then you can easily deal with any other challenges, but that first pedal stroke is the hardest. It’s very easy to find excuses or delay your trip. People worry about not having enough money, not being fit enough, not finding a job when they get back from a long trip. But, but, but… Just get out the front door and then who knows what adventures await you. Go live your dreams!