10 Questions: Bike Touring In Southern Morocco

Shoes in MoroccoSouthern Morocco is a great winter cycling destination with its varied landscapes, friendly people and cheap accommodation.

It’s also more accessible than ever. Several ferries run between Europe and Morocco (mostly from the Spanish ports of Tarifa, Algeciras and Malaga) and low-cost airlines also fly to cities such as Marrakech and Casablanca.

Photographer Paul Jeurissen and his wife Grace cycled there in 2009, and hope to return soon. In this edition of 10 Questions, Grace tells about their experience bike touring from Marrakech towards the Sahara desert.

1. What do you love so much about Morocco for bike touring?

It has a beautiful and varied landscape, cheap food, inexpensive hotels, friendly people, and a lot of back roads with very little traffic. Personally I would choose to go back cycling in Morocco above even France. (Or is that heresy to say?)

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