A Pick-A-Path Bicycle Tour: Meet Indiana June

Indiana JuneA bike tour can be full of decisions. Should you pick the dirt road or the city route; should you shelter from a storm in a hotel, or hide out in your tent?

Most of us make these decisions on our own but today we heard about Indiana June, who’s going to let everyone else – that’s you! – call the shots for her bicycle tour.

On August 6th, Indiana June will load up her bicycle with four panniers and a tent, and take off for a bicycle tour.

She’ll be on the road for at least 3 months, maybe as long as one year, and the public will be able to vote on all the important decisions that come up along the way.

We asked her why she choose this particular format for her bike tour:

“I literally wrote down a list of all the things I love in life and then came up with a way to combine them all at once. I love spontaneous travel, I love meeting new people, I love telling stories through written and spoken word as well as through sketches and paintings and of course I love cycling from place to place at my own pace.”

“I always remind myself that life is about the journey, not the destination – now it’s time to put that philosophy to the test,” she says.

Indiana June is no stranger to quirky ways of travelling. In 2007, she did a 20-country roadtrip through Europe in a purple ice cream van.

And in case you’re wondering about that name, no, Indiana June isn’t her real name. She’s actually Diana Tansey but a fat-fingered customs official once entered the name ‘Indiana June’ into his computer, giving Di the inspiration for her on-the-road character.