Cycling Iceland

Dick Edie spent 5 weeks cycling around Iceland.

Before coming, lots of folk had told me that the scenery in Iceland was wonderful and that I would love it there; however, it looked so bleak to me, just a lava desert with purple blue lupins. -Dick Edie, Cycling Iceland Bleak and stinking of sulphur: these were some of Dick Edie’s first impressions of Iceland. When his bike […] Read More »

Meet Tom Allen, Designer of The Newest Expedition Touring Bike

Tom Allen's Expedition Touring Bike

As a veteran bike tourer, film maker, well-known blogger and avid adventurer, you might be forgiven for thinking that Tom Allen had already taken on most projects imaginable. Earlier this year, however, the list got longer when Tom launched his very own expedition touring bike. The ethos is simple, durable and timeless. No fancy gadgets or high tech […] Read More »