Cycling Southeast Asia

Dragon closeupSoutheast Asia is one of the world’s most popular cycle touring destinations.

It’s got a warm climate, friendly people and cheap living. Despite the relatively low cost, there’s a range of options to suit everyone, from the ultra-budget traveller to someone who likes a more developed tourist infrastructure with better hotels and restaurants.

Are you wondering…

  • What the traffic is like?
  • Which country to choose?
  • Whether or not to bring a tent?
  • If you need a water filter?
  • What about cooking gear?
  • Do you need rabies injections?
  • Is malaria medication necessary?
  • What to wear for the climate and culture?
  • How to put your bike on a bus or train?
  • What it’s like during the rainy season?
  • Where to find bike shops?
  • On your bike you can explore everything from ancient treasures like Angkor Wat in Cambodia to beautiful beaches in the south of Thailand and the mountains of northern Laos. Everything from bustling cities to tea plantations are yours to discover in Malaysia.

    If you’re really adventurous, get off the beaten path by riding over the mountains through barely visited H’mong villages in Laos or on the dirt roads that run alongside the Mekong River in Cambodia, offering a fascinating insight into rural life.

    Wherever you go, traffic is generally light and very courteous. In Thailand and Malaysia, the roads are in near perfect condition but even in Cambodia and Laos the main routes are paved. And unlike many countries, visas are available on arrival or easy to obtain once you’re in the region.

    More information on individual countries can be found on the pages for Malaysia, Cambodia, Thailand and Laos.