Fes thoughts and a video backlog

The beautiful Batha Museum in FesFish 'n' chips Moroccan styleWe are nearly to the end of our time in Fes, a beautiful city with much great architecture and lovely rambling alleyways to explore. We have enjoyed the Museum Batha and its great collection of Moroccan art and handicrafts, as well as seeking out street cafes where local workers tuck into hearty bean soups, fried fish, salads and french fries. These little spots, usually crammed into small spaces, are more enjoyable to us and less than half the price of the tourist restaurants. While we’ve been here we have also managed to upload some videos, always a problem as we rarely find a connection fast enough to get the job done.

So, if you are inclined, take a look at some shots from our descent coming down the Alpujarra Mountains in Spain (see the post from that day) and also of getting water in Morocco.