Laundry On The Road: Photos & Winners Of Our New eBook

We’re putting the finishing touches on our upcoming eBook, which is full of tips and practical on-the-road advice for your next bike tour.

As part of the final layout process of the Bike Touring Survival Guide*, we needed a photo to go with the section on laundry, so we asked our Facebook fans, Twitter followers and newsletter subscribers to help. The prize? A free copy of the book, of course!

We were quite impressed with just how many people had laundry photos. There were about 50 entries and it was a tough decision but in the end there can only be one winner, and here it is!


This photo comes from Aitor, who lives in northern Spain. We loved this photo because it’s really dynamic with the laundry flapping in the wind, and what a view behind the clothesline!

“The photo of the laundry flying in the wind was taken very close to La Pierre Saint Martin. It is a ski resort in the Pyrenees Atlantiques,” Aitor tells us.

Now, we know that we said there can only be one winner, and that’s true for the laundry section, but this colourful tent also caught our eye so we made an exception.

A Tent Covered In Laundry by Sarah Luttio

Congrats to the photographer, Sarah! We’ll use your photo in another section of the book, and you’ll also get a free copy when the eBook is finished.

And a big thanks to everyone who entered photos. It really was a tough decision, and there were many great entries. Keep your eyes open for other chances to win a copy of the book!

*That’s a tentative title. It may change 😉