Archive | United States

Cool winds


780km Pendleton to Lakeside “Wow. I’ve got a lot of freckles on my arms. Wait. Is that dirt?” – Andrew (after 4 days without a shower) “I’m not whining. I’m just telling you how grumpy I am…. Okay. I’m whining.” – Friedel (after being told by Andrew to stop whining) Washington. Idaho. Montana. We’re pushing […] Read More »

Apple Pie in the Desert


566km Lakeview to Pendleton It was the settlement of Wagontire that broke through the heatwaves and created the first bump on the horizon we’d seen since leaving Lakeview for another long and lonely stretch on Route 395. “Please let them have ice cream,” thought Friedel. “And a shower.” “Something cold,” said Andrew. “Anything.” We never […] Read More »