A Weekend Bike Tour To The Dutch Island Of Texel

With a major life change rapidly approaching, and winter closing in, every weekend has suddenly become precious. If it’s sunny, then cycling we shall go.

This ‘carpe diem’ attitude sparked the latest mini adventure: a tour to northern Holland and the island of Texel. This picture sums up the trip: gorgeous.

Alicia on her Brompton

In case you don’t know where Texel is, this map should help orient you. Amsterdam is down in the bottom left corner. The route is about 120km in total, and easily done in a couple of days. You can ride on dedicated bike paths for almost the entire time.

Map of Our Tour

And who was cycling, exactly? Well, this time your trusty cyclists were Friedel & Alicia – not Andrew, because he was away in Germany. A girl’s weekend out. Fun! Even more fun was the fact that we both had new Brompton folding bikes, so we decided to test their touring credentials. Here we are, with our almost-matching bikes.

Brompton Geekery

In the summer, the area we rode through would be heaving with tourists. Happily, in November, it was desolate and beautiful. We rode through empty forests…

A Forest Outside Alkmaar

And alongside sand dunes (the ocean is just on the other side)…

Bicycle Path in the Netherlands!

And sometimes we stopped at a farm stall to pick up treats, like blackberry jam. If we’d been here in the summer, we might have also bought strawberries, honey or even wool!

Time to buy some jam!

The whole weekend turned out to be a bit of a culinary adventure. Cheese, potatoes and Texel beer were quickly added to our small bags.

Cheese shop

Who can resist a farm stall? Not me!

We also got up extra early on Saturday, to photograph the sunrise, with Alicia’s medium-format camera.

Last moon, first light

On sunny autumn weekends, Texel is a landscape photographer’s dream.

Early morning photographer

From there, it was on to see some friendly seals at an aquarium and seal refuge.

Baby sea lions

And finally back home again, via a beautiful lighthouse.

De Cocksdorp Lighthouse

A short trip, but a very rewarding one – and through all of it the Brompton bikes held up admirably. We were impressed at how comfortable they were to ride over long distances, even on some unpaved paths. And there’s no arguing with the ease of putting them on the train compared to other bikes. No extra bike ticket. No time restrictions. Perfect! Other Brompton trips are almost certainly in the planning for the future.