73km Sausheim-Mulhouse to Montbeliard

Our luck with the weather continued to hold today and after working our way through a maze of back streets to get out of Mulhouse, we enjoyed sunny skies and a canal path all the way to the chateau town of Montbeliard. There were plenty of fellow cyclists out, as well as fishermen and rollerbladers. Quite a few herons and cranes lined the canal as well. We had a nice little tail wind so we finished our 73km in good time and rolled into Montbeliard early in the afternoon with hopes of finding a little hotel and exploring the local sights. While we were getting more information on the area, the lady at the tourist bureau asked where we were going with our bicycles. With amazing speed, just 10 minutes after being told of our plans, she had three journalists from two local papers there to interview us. It was quite difficult being interviewed in French and it will be interesting to see the results – did we say what we think we said?! Kindly, one of the journalists invited us to spend the night with his family, an invitation we couldn`t really refuse.