35km Almunecar – Torox

We both woke up with sore throats and had the feeling that this was going to be a short day. No sense pushing yourself if you’re not really up to it – this definitely isn’t a race! We struggled with the hilly roads at the start of the day, before rolling into the busy town of Nerja just before noon. The area boasts of having the best climate in Europe and the region certainly seems to have attracted its fair share of tourists if the crowds out for a Sunday stroll were anything to judge by. We wandered around for a while, enjoying the views of the sea and window shopping in the many stores, before settling down at an internet cafe for a couple hours to upload a backlog of pictures from the last two weeks. Our hope had been for a bar with free wireless but we didn’t see anything. After lunch in the local park, we carried on but for just 6km before grabbing the first campground, as our sore throats now had the added bonus of headaches to go with them. After a nap, we finished off the day by watching some English football in a local pub, but quickly retreated to the tent where we tried to sleep off our colds.