69km Maribor to Veržej

Bora and LeopoldFireworks in MariborWe had a great time with our new friends in Maribor but today it was time to move on. Thanks to everyone, but especially Bora who picked us up off the street and took us home and his girlfriend Metka. Between the two of them we were treated to many interesting chats about Slovenia and the world in general over glasses of beer. We drooled over a home cooked meal of stuffed peppers and mashed potatoes and we saw the fireworks for the end of the Lent Festival. Experiences like this always remind us what a kind place the world really is. By the time we got on our bikes and rolled out of Slovenia’s second city it was nearly noon and already getting quite hot. The saving grace of the day was that the Sunday traffic wasn’t nearly as heavy as it might have been otherwise on the main road running towards Hungary. According to our map, a motorway should have in place several years ago, but so far it’s still little more than piles of dirt by the side of the road, so all the trucks heading east clog up the smaller routes during the week. We lunched under some trees and then headed out again in the early afternoon but we took a wrong turn and soon found ourselves going more south than east. There’s just something about backtracking though that’s hard to do so instead of turning around we carried on regardless, still towards Hungary but not via the most direct route. Late in the day we stopped at a swish spa and campground to see about spending the night but the price was too rich for our taste. Instead we rolled on just a few more kilometers and found a large field that was perfect for our tent. Tomorrow we should easily reach Hungary and then, a few days later, Budapest.