110km Veržej to Felsőpáhok

Another catchy Hungarian town nameOur journals are going to take a lot longer to write now that we’ve arrived in Hungary. Have you seen the name of the town we’re in tonight? That’s a relatively simple name by Hungarian standards. And grocery shopping is turning out to be a new challenge as well, with none of the food names even vaguely similar to anything we recognise. Hungary, we surrender! Our first day in the country turned out to be a bit of a trial, not only with the language but also with the ambitious task we set ourselves of reaching the shores of Lake Balaton. We were told before we entered Hungary that it was flat. To this we say, fiddlesticks! We had more than a few rolling hills, none of which were overly steep or high but on a humid day and with the temperature soaring it was enough to get us sweating. The scenery was, however, quite pretty, with large fields of sunflowers and wheat keeping us company as we pedalled. By the time we reached a campsite we probably had a bit of heatstroke since neither of us felt very well. A cold shower and lots of water seemed to put things right though and we’ll take that as a warning to go a bit easier in the next few days.