Norwegian Tunnels Map For Cyclists

tunnelnorway.jpgBike touring in Norway means dealing with plenty of tunnels, some of them long, dark and narrow.

Happily there’s an excellent Map of Norwegian Tunnels to help you sort the bike-friendly tunnels from the ones to avoid.

The authors compiled the map after cycling in Norway and dealing with tunnels up to 24km long.

“In one tunnel it was so dark even with reasonable lights and a head torch I got quite disorientated especially after being blinded by the lights of the on coming traffic and this coupled with the traffic noise which seems to be magnified 10 times, can make for a quite scary experience and not for the inexperienced rider!” –Cycle Tourer website

They divide tunnels into 3 main categories:

grmarkerTunnels open to cyclists and considered to be OK to cycle through. yellmarkerTunnels open to cyclists but caution required. redmarkerTunnel closed or unsuitable for cyclists.

You can see the tunnel locations on an interactive map, download a POI file for your GPS and even search for the tunnels by road number.

The same couple also put together some excellent general notes on cycle touring in Norway.