Icebreaker Merino Wool Socks Winners

icebreakersocks2.jpgHordes of enthusiastic cyclists read our review of merino wool socks last week, and 100 of you entered the contest to win your very own wonderful wool socks from Icebreaker.

Now it’s time to announce the winners!

Picking 3 people to win 3 pairs of Icebreaker socks each wasn’t easy. At first, we weren’t even sure where to begin, but eventually we decided to do it like this: one comment was picked because we really enjoyed it, and two were drawn at random. So, without further delay, the lucky people are…..

#1 – Adam Kilpatrick

We asked for stories with a bit of humour, and Adam’s comment made us laugh, as well as reflecting one of the potential challenges of bike touring with a partner: adjusting to each other’s smells and habits! Adam wrote:

“I plead with you, I need to win some nice, smell-resistant Icebreaker socks, not for me, but for my mate Stephen. He only ever wears plain white cotton socks on tour, and the smell is horrendous! His feet look even worse, the skin is falling apart, and dare I mention there is some kind of mould going on down there (could be the terrible company he keeps)! It’s so bad, that for our upcoming big trip to Sweden, we are taking a tent each, but I fear it shall not be enough…he sometimes rides upwind of me! I have a sore nose from the peg.”

We know Adam and Stephen will put their Icebreaker socks to the test on their upcoming bike tour, from Australia to Sweden. We look forward to hearing whether Icebreaker socks help preserve their friendly relationship, all the way to their final destination.

#2 – Hope

Hope is our first random winner, chosen by this random number generator (it gave us a number and we counted down until we got to that number). She’s just getting into bike touring, and will be trying out a ride later this year:

“I’m a mature ‘newbie’ cyclist and I’m planning to do the Rail Trail shortly and would love some Icebreaker Merino socks to wear on the trail. I’ll have my ’socks’ to keep me warm.”

Let us know how the ride goes, Hope!

#3 – Bryan

Bryan is the other lucky winner, picked at random. He’s also just getting into bike touring, and hasn’t yet tried Icebreaker socks.

“Instead of purchasing another vehicle to see the world in, I decided to hop on my bicycle. The more I get in the saddle the more I appreciate what the world looks like on top of two wheels. My gear is slowly being updated and I just got a pair of socks made from recycled bottles thinking they would be good, but now these Icebreaker socks have me scratched my curiosity. Wouldn’t mind trying a pair to compare to my pair made from old plastic bottles.”

Well Bryan, here’s your opportunity!

We’ll be in touch with all of our winners shortly, to arrange delivery of your Icebreaker socks. For everyone who didn’t win, stay tuned to the blog. We’re already planning more chances for you to try out Icebreaker’s amazing clothing in the coming months.