All Our Stuff

allourstuff.jpgSo, what do you do when you have a rest day? Spread all your stuff out in front of your tent, of course, and take a picture of it!

We’ve been meaning to do this for a while, actually. Ever since a passing cyclist in New Zealand called out to us that we had ‘too much stuff’ and ever since Grace suggested this idea to us way back in Australia. So, here it is. All our stuff in all its glory.

What’s that, you say? You can’t make it all out? Maybe it’s better that way. If you look really closely you’ll find things like 8 pairs of socks, 4 merino wool tops (we love those cozy things), a short-wave radio, denture cleaner (for our bottles) and no less than 4 books. Then there’s all the food, including at least 10 different types of spices, that we didn’t even get around to spreading out.

No doubt a few seasoned cyclists will write to tell us how we could pare it down but we won’t likely listen. We’re used to the weight. We’re comfortable with what we have. And for the last 10 days we’ve covered nearly 100km a day. That’s not bad going for two people on bikes with 11 bags on board…