44km St Carles de la Rapita – Peniscola

Orange trees the next dayCampgrounds are like buses, first you can’t find any and then three come along at once, or in our case at least half a dozen. Around noon, having tired once again of the busy highway, we decided to go into the seaside town of Peniscola for lunch. On our way in, all we saw were signs for year-round campgrounds. Why here and not a little up the coast we don’t know, but having just put in a long day we felt we were due a short one so we picked out a site and pitched up, ready for an afternoon of reading. We are trying to slow our progress a little bit so we arrive in Valencia on Saturday morning, only about 120km away from here, and truth be told it is cold at the moment so we are hoping for warmer breezes tomorrow. A bottle of wine seemed the right accompaniment to the hours ahead so we stopped into a supermarket – who knew you could get wine from just 0.75 euros a bottle. We put a little more investment than that into our afternoon treat but it is amazing how cheap it can be. Surely the glass, cork, labelling and other costs add up to nearly that alone, not even thinking about the wine that goes in the bottle? Apparently this area is where all the big British supermarkets come when they want to commission a cheap own-label wine and from the prices on the shelves here it’s clear why.