Thank you! And a peek into the past


We are truly overwhelmed at all the kind comments that have come our way in the past few days since we posted about finishing our circle around the globe. We feel so lucky to have made friends — virtually and face-to-face — through so many people because of that wonderful thing called the internet.

Your words have encouraged us countless times on the road and now again as we face that scary thing called reintegration. A massive THANK YOU to everyone who’s followed us this far.

As for what’s next, we’re not quite ready to say yet. We have a million ideas and every day is a case of ‘let’s do this!’ and then ‘no, let’s do that instead!’ but when the time is right, we’ll let you all know where the TravellingTwo are off to next. This website will not fall dormant. We have a redesign planned, about 100 new things we’d like to add and we just have to find the extra hours and internet time to do it all! Oh, and did we mention we’re off to Germany for a family vacation in October?

DSC_0016.JPGUntil that flight to Europe (you know you’re hooked on travel when you think you need a vacation from your vacation), we’re going to soak up our last few days of cycling along the north shore of the St. Lawrence River, over some reportedly very big hills but with a bowl of excellent clam chowder awaiting us about 4 days down the road. The weather is great for September and we’re going to enjoy every moment of beautiful riding.

As for you, maybe you’d enjoy a little look back at one of the more challenging and colourful weeks of our trip in a ‘Week in the Life Of’ column that we wrote for our friend Nora and her Professional Hobo website. Learn what happened when we froze during cold nights in Syria and how we almost didn’t recover our bank card from a Turkish ATM: A Week in the Life of Friedel & Andrew