Rissani and Midelt Videos

With a few days in Zagora, we have again been able to upload a couple videos to share with you. At the moment we are the best customers of the internet cafe! At least at 3.50dh, or roughly 20 pence, an hour it isn’t breaking the bank. On the other hand, maybe the cost is in being forced to endless CDs of Celine Dion singing sappy love songs as we surf. Ahhhhhh, the horror!

The first video is of the road coming into Midelt (see the post from that day) — between the Middle and High Atlas mountains — and the other was taken as we entered the oasis town of Rissani, near Merzouga (see the post from that day), including our encounter with a small child asking for pens and money. They are persistent by times!

With a little luck, inshallah (God willing, as they say here in Morocco), we will soon have a couple more videos on the site: views coming down from the High Atlas pass and also of the weekly souk in Zagora.