Videos and a book by our friends!

A book to read!After a rest day in Tafraoute, we are about to hit the road again, heading for Tiznit via Tizourhane and Tirhmi. We have heard that this road is more difficult than the one between Igherm and Tafroute, if that is possible, so we are planning to take it very slowly over at least two days and maybe nearly three if we feel like it.

This will put a bit of pressure on the rest of our journey north to Tangiers but we decided it was not worth killing ourselves over the hills, especially as the last couple days have been fairly hot and today seems to be going the same way.

While we cycle, we leave you with two videos, one as we left the oasis in Tagmoute, and another snippet of those infamous hills between Igherm and Tafraoute! We also want to point out that our cycling friends Yves and Ingrid have published a book, so get your orders in now for this future bestseller!