82km Hum to Ljubljana

Slap SopotaWe rolled into Slovenia’s capital city on a hot summer’s day.

Just what you’d expect from July; clear blue skies and sun, sun, sun. The day actually started out cool but it soon warmed up and we happily took a break from the bikes to hike to a waterfall that just happened to be along our route.

The walk through the woods was nice and shady and we soon arrived at Slap Sopota, a 62m high waterfall dropping noisily into a pool of water. Slovenia seems to specialise in natural beauty spots. We signed the guest book, which was left in a metal box fitted into an old tree trunk, and then returned back down the path. After our little diversion we carried onto Ljubljana, crossing a small mountain pass and then heading mostly downhill alongside a river and on plenty of tree-lined roads.

We went through a few villages but mostly we were surrounded by trees or hay fields. The few cars we saw were very courteous, giving us lots of space as they passed. A nice change from many Italian drivers! The traffic only picked up as we approached the city. We were on a road that said cyclists weren’t allowed but, in a curiosity that seems to be common to urban planners across Europe, the signs didn’t give us any other option for continuing on to Ljubljana.

What were we supposed to do, just turn around? The road was narrow but we cycled on regardless and had no problems making it to the campsite on the edge of the city. The campground actually has the grand title of a “resort” which of course made us fear the cost, but it was a pleasant surprise to find a reasonable price and even a discount for having arrived by bicycle! After we set up the tent we ran straight for the large pool. The temperature is hovering around 30C so it’s great to have a place to cool down and soak our muscles.