43km Celje to Studenice

Church on a hillAhh, clear skies. A cyclist’s friend, especially after it just wouldn’t stop raining since noon yesterday. We left our hotel and ended up finding a very cheap Internet cafe and catching up on the important details of our online life. The cafe was full of very friendly people, who tried to convince us to stay a few more days since the town was going to be hosting a film festival and number of bands but instead we decided to carry on and eventually we got going down the road by midday. Since it was a gorgeous sunny day it seemed a crime not to cycle in it. Most of the afternoon was spend winding our way up and down a rural road, which was nicely shaded. We had to cross the railway tracks several times and it seemed we were forever stopping at the crossing for the next train or just getting over the tracks before the barriers went down. Near supper time we turned on to a more minor road where we had dinner and watched a farmer fertilise his field; thankfully not with manure or our dinner might have been abandoned! We listened to the radio for a while and then crawled up further into the field and behind a few trees, where we found the perfect spot for our tent.