110km Ferrara to Lido di Dante

Friedel and a shellWhen in Italy, do as the Italians do. This time of year, all the Italians are at the beach so we set a course for the seaside as well, first rolling by more farming fields outside of Ferrara and down a busy road into Ravenna, a town known for its many stunning early-Christian mosaics. We wanted to stop and see one, but we were out of luck. You can only buy a ticket for entry to all the sites and since the day was nearly over when we arrived, it wasn’t worth the cost of the combined ticket just to see one church. Instead we stopped at a free display of some Syrian mosaics, which depicted animals and visions of paradise. While we were in Ravenna, we decided to pay the tourist bureau a visit and this proved to be fairly useless. First they told us it was impossible to cycle to Ancona because the only road was too busy and blocked to bikes. Then they told us there were no bicycle paths in the area and finally they said all the supermarkets were closed. All three statements were wrong. As we headed out of Ravenna we found two open grocery stores and with our panniers loaded we headed to the beach for a meal of hamburgers by the beach. After a little swim in the warm waters of the Adriatic, we found a bike path going through the Po Delta park and a forest of pine trees, which provided a perfect tenting spot for the night. An evening examination of our maps shows lots of small roads leading to Ancona, so we are confident we will have no trouble getting there by bicycle.