Free Bicycle Dictionary (Great For Touring!)

Cycling LexiconHere’s a cool cycling publication: a booklet with key cycling terms, translated into all 23 official European Languages plus Arabic, Japanese, Chinese and Russian.

It includes parts of the bicycle, accessories and phrases for bike touring like “Is this road very hilly?”, “Where is the nearest campsite?” and – most importantly for good conversation – “Do you love cycling too?”.

Download the free PDF

The guide was created to help people cycling in Europe to communicate in bike shops, train stations and hotels, as well as to raise awareness of cycling in general. It’s not totally comprehensive but it could be handy for any bike tourist on an international trip and if you’re taking a smartphone or Kindle along for the ride anyway, it’s easy to carry.

P.S. We were reminded of this book because it’s mentioned in the latest edition of Bike Bits; a twice-monthly email newsletter from the Adventure Cycling Association. Definitely worth signing up to!