A Bike Tour For Two: Tips For Couples

“If you survive a trip like that, you’ll stay married forever.”
-Said by a random person, while we cycled around the world

Bike touring with your husband, wife or partner certainly has its advantages. There’s always someone to talk to. Luxuries like a private hotel room become more affordable and, when the cycling gets tough, your best friend is there to help and encourage you.

But life isn’t all roses. We’ve been together for 14 years now and we rarely fight but bike touring forced us to develop new strategies for travelling well together. Here are some tips to help you get through a bicycle trip à deux, with relatively little stress.

Topping a pass at Lake Song-Kol, KyrgyzstanTravelling with your husband, wife or partner is great because there’s always someone to help you ride out the storms.

#1. Split Up The Tasks – We’re all better at certain things than others. By dividing up tasks according to your strengths, you’ll save a lot of endless debates and heartache.Our tasks look like this:

Andrew – Reading maps, navigating, maintaining bikes and camping gear.
Friedel – Food shopping, cooking, bargaining, asking for directions, keeping water bottles topped up.

Read More Tips For Bike Touring As A Couple