March 2011 Bike Touring Newsletter

Welcome to the March edition of the TravellingTwo bike touring newsletter – just in time, before the calendar flips to April.

This month’s newsletter is a bit late because we’ve been putting all our energy into our new Bike Touring Survival Guide. Those ‘finishing touches’ can take a while but after weeks of intense work, the book is nearly done.

We plan to release it in the coming weeks, and we owe a huge Thank You! to the generous group of bike tourists who have taken the time in recent weeks to carefully edit all 200+ pages of the book: Stephen Lord, Tyler Kellen & Tara Alan, Stijn de Klerk, Scott Stoll and Trevor & Simone. Your help has been invaluable.

Bike Touring Survival Guide Cover

Until you get a chance to flip through the real thing, take a look at the cover we’ve designed, and explore this month’s blog posts. And if you’re missing your dose of bike touring tips and our favourite gear, don’t worry. The normal newsletter service will resume soon 🙂

Recent Posts

And finally, a link that’s not on our blog but still worth checking out: the Adventure Cycling Association’s new Bike Camping website – specifically aimed at shorter tours.


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*100% spam free. May inspire you to quit your job and go cycling.