Tasmanian Weather

Tasmania’s weather could charitably be called changeable.

If you suffer its worst during what should be a summer tour, you may find yourself adding a few other colorful adjectives to describe it!

By any measure, the state is noticeably cooler than the rest of Australia. Even on the nicest summer day, the temperature rarely goes above 30°C. Typical summer days range between 20-25°C.

This sounds fine, you think, but it’s not quite so simple. Mixed in with the sunshine can be driving rain, gale warnings and even snow. Yes, snow!

The fact is, you should come prepared for everything, no matter what the season. Pack the shorts but also a warm jumper and a good sleeping bag. While not strictly necessary, a stove for making hot drinks will go a long way to warming you up at night.

Don’t forget the wet weather gear, especially if you’re touring the west coast, where some towns get rain 300 days of the year. It’s drier on the east coast but it’s still best to be ready for the showers when they move in.

Above all, check the weather if you’re climbing to altitude so you don’t get surprised by ice on your tent.