What Does Bike Touring Cost

Wondering how much your bike tour will cost?

We’ve surveyed bike tourists around the world, to see what they’re spending on tour. Click on the region where you’re planning to travel.

If you’d like to add your experience, please get in touch. We’re always looking for the latest info on what people are spending.

The Cost Of Bike Touring: Extended Trips


How much will an independent bike tour cost? Here are some typical expenses and budgets from bike tourists who’ve undertaken an extended trip across multiple countries and continents. Read More »

The Cost Of Bike Touring: South America


In South America, the cost of your bike tour will likely vary wildly, depending on where you’re going. Brazil is relatively expensive. Bolivia is far cheaper. Cooking your own food is essential to keep costs low in the more expensive countries. Read More »

The Cost Of Bike Touring: Britain & Europe


Britain and Europe are relatively expensive places to tour but even so it’s possible to get by on about €15 per person, per day if you’re willing to camp and cook your own food. You might even spend a bit less in southern or eastern Europe, where prices are cheaper. To enjoy the cafés and […] Read More »

The Cost Of Bike Touring: Africa


Africa isn’t necessarily the cheapest place in the world to cycle. Some countries can be surprisingly expensive. Read More »

The Cost Of Bike Touring: Australia & New Zealand


In Australia and New Zealand, as with many developed countries, it’s easy to spend as much as you want but there are also plenty of ways to stick to a budget. Read More »

The Cost Of Bike Touring: North America


You can spend as much or as little as you like in North America. There are plenty of hotels and restaurants that will be happy to cater for you but equally there’s plenty of open land and supermarkets for those on a low budget. Read More »

The Cost Of Bike Touring: India


In India, prices are cheap but you’ll have to bargain for the best rates. As long as you barter, $5-10 U.S. a day should be enough for a low budget tour. Read More »

The Cost Of Bike Touring: China & Southeast Asia


How much will an independent bike tour cost? In China and Southeast Asia, prices are cheap. Around $15-20 U.S. per day should be more than adequate for routine costs such as food from restaurants and a decent hotel room. You can get away with less if you’re a devoted wild camper or know the local […] Read More »

We also have general articles about budgeting and saving money for a two-wheeled adventure. You probably need less than you think – certainly less than backpacking or driving around the world!

Saving The Tax: More Bike Touring Gear For Your Money


Planning a bike tour in Europe? Hold off on buying a bike and all the gear until you get here. You could save hundreds of dollars by claiming back the sales tax, for a savings of up to 25% on all your bicycle touring equipment. Read More »

How Much Does Bike Touring Cost? We do the math.


What does it cost to go bike touring? A mere $23 U.S. a day, if our record of expenses is anything to go by. A bargain! Check out how much we spent in total on our world bicycle tour, broken down by category and country. Read More »

Bike Tour More, Spend Less


We recently discovered that it cost us just $23 U.S. a day to travel the world on our bicycles. That’s a cheap price for the adventure of a lifetime but looking back on our trip, we could have done it for even less. Why bother? Alistair Humphreys says it well. You have a choice – […] Read More »

Saving Money For Your Dream Adventure


The secret to saving for your great bicycle getaway is surprisingly simple: live beneath your means. Here are 10 of our best tips for doing just that. Before you know it, your bank balance will be brimming with money for your bicycle tour, or whatever other dream you have. Read More »